Several refinished panels lined up in the sunlight.

Satiny avodire grain up close.

Another former first class stateroom aboard MS PHILIPPINES (ex AUGUSTUS).

Several refinished panels lined up in the sunlight.
Half Inch Thick Ply
In Various Dimensions and Prices
Completely Refinished and Restored To Original Glory
Quantity Pricing Available
Itʼs no wonder the AUGUSTUS could never meet modern SOLAS requirements with all of that handcrafted woodwork lining her public spaces and accommodation. Her first class cabins and suites were paneled in avodire, a lustrous West African wood that is also widely known as African Satinwood. Avodire has a beautiful sheen and patterns that appear to change when viewed from different vantages. On the back of each is the cabin number and some even sport detailed diagrams and instructions for their installation on Cantieri Riuniti dellʼAdriaticoʼs hull number 1757, which, of course, became the AUGUSTUS.
In 1999, when she was at Manila undergoing a conversion to the never fully realized MS PHILIPPINES floating hotel, workers were busy applying a cheap dark varnish over the original wood and replacing some fittings such as the bedboards, carpeting and curtains in an attempt to make the ship look more modern.
I rescued a quantity of this paneling from Alang, which arrived in good overall condition, save for the cheap varnish which may have been a blessing in disguise for its extra coat of protection. All of the panels on this page have been painstakingly stripped, stained and re varnished and look as beautiful as ever. There are some tiny screw holes, scratches, dings and nicks as one would expect with any piece of 60 year old wood but overall, each shines anew. They are priced by size and condition and I have taken into account cut outs, patches and other minor flaws in the the process.
This is a rare, one-time opportunity to panel a favorite wall or even an entire room with woodwork from a classic ocean liner. Limited quantity.

Measurements: 29 by 75.5 inches Price: $225.00

Measurements: 29 by 75.5 inches Price: $225.00

Measurements: 33 by 74 inches Price: $225.00

Measurements: 33 by 74 inches Price: $225.00

Measurements: 32.75 by 75.25 inches Price: $225.00

Measurements: 32.75 by 75.25 inches Price: $225.00

Measurements: 30 by 75.5 Inches Price: $215.00 2” inch nick in bottom left corner

Measurements: 30 by 75.5 Inches Price: $215.00 2” inch nick in bottom left corner

Measurements: 39 by 75.25 inches Price: $250.00 Notes: Some bottom edge chipping, minor wear, scratches (see image)

Measurements: 39 by 75.25 inches Price: $250.00 Notes: Some bottom edge chipping, minor wear, scratches (see image)

Measurements: 35.5 by 75.5 Price: $225.00 SOLD Notes: 2 by 3 inch patch middle/right side

Measurements: 35.5 by 75.5 Price: $225.00 SOLD Notes: 2 by 3 inch patch middle/right side

Measurements: 31.5 by 76 inches Price: 215.00 Notes: 2 inch chips along bottom and 1 inch nick on right side towards bottom

Measurements: 31.5 by 76 inches Price: 215.00 Notes: 2 inch chips along bottom and 1 inch nick on right side towards bottom

Measurements: 29 by 75.5 inches Price: $205.00 Notes: 2 by 3.5 inch cut out 3 inches from right edge

Measurements: 29 by 75.5 inches Price: $205.00 Notes: 2 by 3.5 inch cut out 3 inches from right edge

Measurements: 40 by 75 inches Price: $250.00 Notes: 2 by 3 Inch Patch, some long scratches

Measurements: 40 by 75 inches Price: $250.00 Notes: 2 by 3 Inch Patch, some long scratches

Measurements: 22.75 by 75.5 inches Price $175.00 SOLD

Measurements: 22.75 by 75.5 inches Price $175.00 SOLD