The MS PHILIPPINES first class dining room in 1999.

Mahogany Chairs
33.5 Inches Tall by 23 Inches Wide by 24 Inches deep
19 Inch Seat Height
Mahogany Legs and Base
Price: $250.00 Plus Shipping SOLD
These are modeled after the original Pulitzer design and are an almost identical shape, especially after the originals had their exposed arms covered up at some latter point in the AUGUSTUS' career. Even without the detailing of the originals, these are still extremely stylish, comfortable and beautifully made chairs, which I am offering at a significantly lower price.

These chairs have a thicker upholstery, are stuffed with more contemporary padding than the horsehair and springs found in the originals. They also have a mahogany underbase with all four legs linked by strips of mahogany. These chairs also lack the under arm "arc" and the metal ties to hold them in place during rough seas.

I would guess from their solid construction that these chairs date from the 1960s or 1970s. Perhaps they were commissioned by Italia to replace lost or damaged 1952 originals or perhaps they were fitted to the ship during its cloistered days under Asian ownership.​