A detail of the front of one of the plans.

A detail of the front of one of the plans.
Various Sizes
Original Shipyard Architectural Plans
Folded, measure approximately 12" tall by 8.5 inches wide and unfold to varying lengths and widths.
Price: As Marked Plus Shipping
Saved from the newspaper mulchers at Alang from a very hot, humid, mosquito-infested trader's yard, these plans are the original plans for Costa's brilliant SS EUGENIO C. These particular plans are technical, from the A.T.I.S.A. offices of Milan and most are dated from late 1964 through 1965. One of a kind, in Italian, of course.

Of course, the ship's hull number was 1884. These plans are enduring but a few have been tested by time, some wear and the elements. Most are in very good to excellent condition but some weathering and water spotting may have occurred.
I will try my best to note the condition of each plan in the listings. Please understand these were in use for four decades. They were also difficult and expensive to obtain (the hazards of being a westerner at Alang).
- ​Number 1884 01-21-3-01F1 (Paratie Stagne Ord. 35-103): good condition. Price: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 01-24-3-14/1 (Paratie Stagne Trasv. and Longit. Ord 35-61 Cisterne Poppiere): good condition. Price: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 01-25-3-03/1 (Paratie Divisionale E T.F. Sotto Il Pte "B"): good condition. Price: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 01-43-3-00 (Pte "B"): excellent condition. Price: $10.00​
- ​Number 1884 01-51-3-06 (Bracci Terminali Dei Ringrossi Sortite Linea D'Assi): OK witth water stains. Price: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 01-89-3-07/1 (Attrezzi Per Smontaggio Motori Elettrici Argani Di Prora E Poppa): OK condition. Price: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 01-89-3-08 (Occhi Di Sospendita Nel Locale Macchine Sotto Il Ponte "B"): Very good condition. Price: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 01-89-3-09 (first copy) (Ferrroguide & Occhi Di Sospendita Nel Locale Macchine Sotto Il Ponte "C"): Very good condition. Price: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 01-89-3-09 (second copy) (Ferrroguide & Occhi Di Sospendita Nel Locale Macchine Sotto Il Ponte "C"): Good condition. Price: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 01-89-3-09/2 (Guardiacavo Per Basamenti Argani Di Tonn. Prora E Poppa): Good condition. Price: $5.00​
- ​Number 1884 03-11-1-22 and 22/A (Sistemazione Argani A Salpare E Argani Di Tonneggio Poppieri E Prodieri and Sistemazione Argano Doppio Di Salp. E Tonn): Price for pair: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 03-11-1-22 (Sistemazione Argani A Salpare E Argani Di Tonneggio Poppieri E Prodieri): Price: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 03-11-1-42/1, 42/2 and 42/3 (Rullo Verticale A Parete Per NRinvio Cavo Ormeggi Sul Paraonde All 202-203 Destra E Sin. Nave, Sistemazione Rulli Per Rinvio Cavo Rimorchio Dal Dep. Nostromo and Rullo Di Rinvio Per Boccap. Sul P. Superiore E Sotto P. Coperta: set $10.00
- ​Number 1884 03-11-3-44(Bitte A Fusti Saldate Diam. 500 e 400): Table. Price: $5.00​
- ​Number 1884 03-15-3-31(Sopporto Per Gru A Riposo -- servizio nostromo) Table. Excellent condition: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 03-17-3-4(Sistemazione Scandaglio Meccanico Autominor -- Kelvin Hughes-Mark 4/1/1/2 HP) Compasses and attachment diagrams. Very good condition: $7.50​
- Number 1884 03-24-1-00/1 and 00/3 (incomplete Porte Tagliafuoco set Ponti Superiori, Ponti Inferiori) Partial set of plans covering the doors and door openings in 1/200 scale. Missing Ponti Intermedi (middle) Very good condition. Set: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-1-00/3 (Porte Tagliafuoco for Ponti Inferiori) Plans covering the doors and door openings of the ship's lowest decks in 1/200 scale. Missing Ponti Superiori (upper) and Intermedi (middle) Excellent condition. Set: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-3-00/A (Porte Tagliafuoco for Tetto Lido) Plan covering the doors and door openings for the deck above Lido Deck in 1/100 scale. Excellent condition: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-3-12/1A, 3-13/B, 3-13/C, 3-13/2, 3-13/2A (Porte Tagliafuoco Stagna Ai Gas E Particolari Cassa Classe A-O and A-60, Porte Tagliafuoco Tamburate Particolari Cassa A First Classe A-O, Porte Tagliafuoco Tamburate Particolari Cassa A First Classe A-60, Portello Tagliafuoco Scorrevole A 2 Ante Tra La Riposteria E La Mensa E Soggiorno Ufficiali and No 2 Portelli Tagliafuoco Scorrevoli A 2 Ante Fra la Rposteria E Le Mense Sottuff. E Personl. Camera) Excellent condition. Set: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-3-12/1A, 3-13/B,3-13/2, 3-13/2A (Porte Tagliafuoco Stagna Ai Gas E Particolari Cassa Classe A-O and A-60, Porte Tagliafuoco Tamburate Particolari Cassa A First Classe A-O, Portello Tagliafuoco Scorrevole A 2 Ante Tra La Riposteria E La Mensa E Soggiorno Ufficiali and No 2 Portelli Tagliafuoco Scorrevoli A 2 Ante Fra la Rposteria E Le Mense Sottuff. E Personl. Camera) Excellent condition. Incomplete set of four of five: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-3-12/1A, 3-13/B,3-13/2(Porte Tagliafuoco Stagna Ai Gas E Particolari Cassa Classe A-O and A-60, Porte Tagliafuoco Tamburate Particolari Cassa A First Classe A-O, Portello Tagliafuoco Scorrevole A 2 Ante Tra La Riposteria E La Mensa E Soggiorno Ufficiali) Excellent condition. Incomplete set of three of five: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-3-14, 14/A (Porta Tagliofuoco Tenuta Sempre Aperta Da Un Elettrom./Fire Doors diagram) Excellent condition. Pair: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 03-24-3-14 (Porta Tagliofuoco Tenuta Sempre Aperta Da Un Elettrom./Fire Doors diagram) Excellent condition: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 03-25-1-00/A (Piano Passi D'Uomo Dei Locali E Sepositi Sotto Ponte'A): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 03-25-3-01/1B (Tipi Di Targhette Per Passi D'Uomo). Overhead signs plan: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 03-31-3-04/1 (Anchoraggi Per Scalandroni In Posizione Di Riposo): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 03-42-3-02 (Sistemazione Golfari Per Carichi Pesanti): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 03-43-3-13 (Marca Di Bordo Libero): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 03-51-3-05 (Sistemazione Gru A Ponte): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 04-21-3-03/4 (Sistemazione Pozzetti Sul Cielo Doppiofondo) Tanks plans: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 05-41-3-03 (Stazze Casse Olio Vegetale): $7.50
- ​Number 1884 06-20-3-08 (Ventilazione Naturale Obitorio) Galley ventilation: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 06-40-1-01/21, 24, 25,27, 28, 30, (Suddivisione Zne Ed Ubicazione Macchine Ventilanti) Excellent but incomplete set of 1/200 plans for Ponte D, Ponte Sole, Ponte Vestiboli, Ponte Soggiorno, Ponte Lance and Ponte Lido. Incomplete set: $35.00
- ​Number 1884 06-40-1-01/21, 24, 25 and 28 (Suddivisione Zne Ed Ubicazione Macchine Ventilanti) Excellent but incomplete set of 1/200 plans for Ponte D, Ponte A, Ponte Lance and Ponte Vestiboli. Incomplete set: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 06-40-1-01/24 (Suddivisione Zne Ed Ubicazione Macchine Ventilanti) Excellent 1/200 plan for Ponte A: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 06-41-3-01/51 (Piano Generale Sistemazione Vaschette Per Lavaggio Filtri Nelle Stazioni Condizionamento): $7.50
- ​Number 1884 06-75-3-01, 02 and 03 (Celle Frigorifere Di Cambusa Ponte C, Ord 99-111 Insieme, Ord. 111-121, Ord. 103-121). Set of three: $17.50
- ​Number 1884 06-75-3-22 (Inteliature Basamenti Ed Ancoraggi Per Sistemazione Apparecchiature E Tubolature): $7.50
- ​Number 1884 06-75-3-27 (Impainto Rinovo Aria Schema Percorsi): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 06-75-3-51, 56, 57 and 58 (Sixtemazione Ganciere Su Chiusure Isolate MacGregor Boccaporta No 2 Ponti B&C particolari, Manovra Di Fortuna Chiusure Isolate MacGregor Boccaporta No 2 Ponti B&C, Manovra Di Fortuna Chiusure Isolate MacGregor Particolari Attacchi E Golfari, Manovra Di Fortuna Chiusure Isolate MacGregor Particolari Rinvio Cavi). Incomplete set of four: $17.50
- ​Number 1884 06-75-3-56 and 58 (Manovra Di Fortuna Chiusure Isolate MacGregor Boccaporta No 2 Ponti B&C, Manovra Di Fortuna Chiusure Isolate MacGregor Particolari Rinvio Cavi). Incomplete set of two: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-00-1-01 (Schema Di Produzione E Circuiti Principali/General Electrical System Plan): Price: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 07-21-1-20/1, ? (torn) and 03 (Schema Collegiamenti Principali, Schema Collegiamenti Ausiliari -- parte sinistra, Schema Collegamenti Ausiliari). Incomplete set of three: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 07-21-03 (Schema Collegamenti Ausiliari): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 07-31-5-01 -- Foglio 2, 3 and Foglio 4 out of 11 (Percorso Cavi Elettrici Principali E Secondari for Ponte A, Ponte B and Ponte C). Detailed electrical circuit plan for Decks A, B and C (three out of eleven): $25.00
- ​Number 1884 07-31-5-01 -- Foglio 4(Percorso Cavi Elettrici Principali E Secondari for Ponte A). Detailed electrical circuit plan for Deck A: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-1-03/1(Schema Colleg. Comandi A Distanza Luce Esterna): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-1-12(Schema Di Principio Comandi Luce Sala Cinema): $5.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-4-01 -- Foglio 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20 (Schema Impianto Luce Interna/Internal Lighting Diagrams for: Ponte D, B-C, Ponte C, Ponte B, Ponte B, ctd, Ponte A, Ponte A ctd., Ponte Vestiboli, Ponte Vestiboli ctd., Ponte Restaurant, Ponte Lance, Ponte Sole, Cabine Ascensori, Ponte C Regrigerati). Detailed electrical circuit plans in 1/50 scale. Set: $35.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-4-03 -- Foglio 2, 3, 4 and 9 (Schema Impianto Luce Esterna). Incomplete but nicely detailed set of 1/100 circuit plans for Ponte A, Ponte Vestiboli, Ponte Restaurant, Tetto Lido: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-4-04 -- Foglio 3 and 5 (Schema Impianto Luce Macchina). Incomplete but nicely detailed set of 1/50 circuit plans for Galley and Deck B Turbines: $15.00​
- ​Number 1884 07-32-4-05 -- Foglios 1 and 2 of 3 (Schema Impianto Luce Emergenza). Incomplete and detailed pair of plans covering emergency lighting on middle and lower decks: $20.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-4-06 (Schema Impianto Luce Di Gala) Spectacular, detailed profile lighting plan: $30.00
- ​Number 1884 07-32-4-43 -- Foglios 2, 4 and 5 (Schema Collegiamenti Luce Sale Di Rappresentanza -- Cavi Comandi A Distanza, Comandi Raggruppamenti E Luce Colorata Variabile, Comandi Luce Cinema). Incomplete and detailed group of lighting plans showing deck details: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 07-33-1-05 (Colleg. Alla Morsettiera Del Quadro Hall Frigorifero Cambusa) circuit plan: $5.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-11 -- Foglios 1, 2 and 3 (Schema Impianto Trasmissione Ordini). Complete set of electrical plans showing all decks in 1/200 scale: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-11 -- Foglio 1 (Schema Impianto Trasmissione Ordini). Detailed electrical plan showing top four decks in 1/200 scale. Water stains: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-13 -- Foglios 1, 2 and 3 (Schema Impianto Telefoni Di Manovra). Complete and excellent set of telephone plans showing all decks in 1/200 scale: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-13 -- Foglios 1 and 2 of 3 (Schema Impianto Telefoni Di Manovra). Incomplete and excellent set of telephone plans showing middle and lower decks in 1/200 scale: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-14 -- Foglios 1 and 6 of 9 (Schema Impianto Di Chiamate Con Segnalazione Acustica E Luminosa -- Ponte C and Ponte Soggiorno). Pair of detailed electrical plans in 1/100 scale showing Ponte C and Soggiorno: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-15 -- Foglios 1, 2 and 3 (Schema Impianto Suonerie D'Allarme). Complete and excellent set of plans showing all decks in 1/200 scale, includes all decks to pipe and shaft tunnel: $30.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-15 -- Foglios 1 and 2 of 3 (Schema Impianto Suonerie D'Allarme). Incomplete but excellent set of plans showing middle and lower decks in 1/200 scale, includes pipe and shaft tunnel: $20.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-15 -- Foglio 1 (Schema Impianto Suonerie D'Allarme). Plan showing lower decks in 1/200 scale, includes pipe and shaft tunnel: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-16 -- Foglios 1, 2 and 3 (Schema Impianto Avvisatori Manuali Ed Automatici D'Incentio/Manual and Automatic Fire Alarm Diagram -- all decks). Fantastic, excellent set of plans covering all decks in 1/200 scale, includes pipe and shaft tunnel: $30.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-16 -- Foglios 2 and 3 of 3 (Schema Impianto Avvisatori Manuali Ed Automatici D'Incentio/Manual and Automatic Fire Alarm Diagram -- middle and top decks). Fantastic, excellent but incomplete set of two of three plans covering top and middle decks in 1/200 scale: $20.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-16 -- Foglio 2 (Schema Impianto Avvisatori Manuali Ed Automatici D'Incentio/Manual and Automatic Fire Alarm Diagram -- middle decks). Excellent but water stained plan showing the middle decks in 1/200 scale: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-31 -- Foglio 2 (Schema Impianto Girobussola e Giropilota). Plan showing girocompass and giropilot layout in bridge. 1/100 scale: $15.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-72 -- Foglios 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of 9 (Schema Impianto Insegne Luminose -- Ponte A, Ponte Superiore, Ponte Soggiorno, Ponte Lance, Ponte Sole, Ponte LIdo). Excellent but incomplete set of very detailed plans covering most decks in 1/100 scale. Missing folios 1, 2 and 4: $55.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-73 -- Foglios 1, 2 and 3 (Schema Impianto Orlogi Elettrici -- all decks). Fantastic, excellent set of plans covering all decks in 1/200 scale, includes pipe and shaft tunnel: $30.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-73 -- Foglios 2(Schema Impianto Orlogi Elettrici -- middle decks). Middle decks in 1/200 scale: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-76 -- Foglios 2 and 3 (Schema Impianto Sprinkler -- middle and top decks). Incomplete set of sprinkler plans in 1/200 scale: $20.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-77 -- Foglios 1, 2 and 3 (Schema Connessioni Tra Quadretti Indicatori Per Chiamate Con Segnalazione Acustica E Luminosa). Low level lighting and power supply and circuits. Set: $25.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-77 -- Foglio 1 (Schema Connessioni Tra Quadretti Indicatori Per Chiamate Con Segnalazione Acustica E Luminosa). Low level lighting and power supply and circuits: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-78 -- Foglio 2 (Schema Impianto Chiusura Porte Tagliafuoco Con Elettromagneti). Middle decks: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-78 -- Foglio 1 (Schema Impianto Porte Stagne). Lower decks: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-34-4-83 -- Foglio 2 (Schema Impianto Segnalazione Luminosa Chiusura Porte Tagliafuoco). Middle decks: $10.00
- ​Number 1884 07-46-1-16 (Schema Collegiamenti Quadro Controllo Impianto Sanitari). Circuit plan: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 07-48-3-01 (Sistemazione Solocometro Tipo Sal 24 -- Sul Fondo Alle Ord. 110-111). Circuit plan: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 08-58-3-03 (Deposito Vino). Wine cellar: $17.50
- ​Number 1884 09-14-3-01 and 01/1 (Normali Varii Per Inventario and Sistemazione E Particolalri Buttafuori Per Solcometro -- Su Pavesata). Templates set: $7.50
- ​Number 1884 09-14-3-22/2 (Sistemazione Attacchi Per Scala Pilota E Fuoribordo). Pilot Rope Supports in Hull. Interesting: $10.00